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Showcase popular games available on the platform. high-quality graphics and immersive gameplay experience of the games.

Massively Multiplayer Online

hese are games that can support thousands of players simultaneously in a virtual world. Players can interact with each other, complete quests, and engage in various activities. Examples include World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV.

First-Person Shooter

In FPS games, players view the game world from a first-person perspective and engage in combat using firearms or other weapons. Popular examples include Call of Duty and Counter-Strike.

Role-Playing Games

RPGs allow players to take on the role of a character in a fictional world. Players can complete quests, explore the world, and develop their character’s abilities and skills. Examples include The Elder Scrolls series and Final Fantasy series.

Casual Games

These are typically simple games that are easy to learn and play. They often do not require a significant time commitment and are suitable for quick gaming sessions. Examples include Candy Crush Saga and Among Us